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Category: Weaver’s Stone

Weaver’s Stone – Now Available!

Weaver's Stone book cover image

Hello, dear readers!

My new book is here! Weaver’s Stone is available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions:

If you’re interested in the ebook but don’t have a Kindle, fear not! The Kindle App can be downloaded for free, and you can read the ebook on any device.

For a preview of the book, you can read the first chapter here!

I’m so excited to share this book with you, and I’d love to hear what you think! You can share reviews on Amazon or Goodreads, and I will be sure to read each one!

Happy reading! ^_^

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Weaver’s Stone Proof!

There’s nothing like holding your book in your hand for the first time! This is just a proof copy for my beta readers, so the book isn’t ready quite yet (and this is just a placeholder cover), but I’m stoked to see it in print!!

A tiny preview of the inside 🙂

Another announcement on the Weaver’s Stone front: I officially started writing Book Two of this series just a few days ago, which is an announcement in itself. Weaver’s Stone will have a sequel! (And possibly two, but I’m not sure yet if this will be a two or three book series).

I’m also hoping to have a little surprise ready for Between the Light and Dark in the not-too-distant future, so stay tuned for that as well!

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From One to Another

Hello, dear readers!

Just last night I finished reading through my husband’s upcoming epic fantasy trilogy. This was my first time reading the final book, and upon reaching the end I was reduced to an emotional ball of tears on the couch. So, needless to say it was AMAZING and I can’t wait for it to be published so we can all cry together :’) Seriously an incredible series that just got better and better and culminated in one of the most epic things I’ve ever read. I hope you’re all excited for it!

And now, of course, it’s time for me to jump back into my own story and work on Weaver’s Stone revisions! I’m stoked to get back to it (even if dear husband’s story is a tough act to follow, hoo). More updates to come!

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